Research Shows that Kindness Makes You Healthier

In our classroom, we strive to spread a little kindness every day. Students are recognized and celebrated on a daily basis by each other for their acts of kindness, and our class kindness jar is a helpful visual reminder of our collective efforts to be considerate.

We have discussed how students learn to take care of themselves and show personal responsibility in kindergarten and first grade, but as they approach second grade and beyond, students develop more of an awareness of others and an ability to think, feel, and act to benefit the common good.

This focus on compassion, consideration, citizenship, and human kindness supports the Laguna Blanca core values of community and character.

Many thanks to a Laguna Blanca parent who shared the following relevant article with me about UCLA’s launch of the world’s first interdisciplinary research institute on kindness, which will explore the healthful benefits of being nice to others.

“Researchers agreed on an academic definition for kindness: an act that enhances the welfare of others as an end in itself. When it comes to kindness, the intention, rather than the outcome, is key. In other words, it’s the thought that counts, as the adage goes.”

Acts of kindness, no matter how small, will be applauded daily in our classroom. What acts of kindness can you celebrate at home?


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